The First Principle of Starting a Journaling Practice

Here it is, the first principle of journaling. You ready?

Start today.

The medium doesn’t matter. Use whatever format you are most comfortable with. If it’s the Notes app on your iPhone, use it. If you want to use something like Day One, go for it. Check that drawer in the kitchen overflowing with random stuff. There’s probably a notebook or some scrap paper in there. Don’t feel like writing or typing? That’s okay because you can dictate your thoughts or record your voice as a memo.

The most important part of writing in a journal is getting started. Write as often as you’d like. If you don’t journal for weeks and decide it’s time for another entry, that’s okay. Set no expectations. Just start.

Like many things, the other pieces come together with time and experience. You can experiment with analog or digital and decide which you like better. You’ll figure out how often you want to write and decide what time of day works best for your rhythm.

Journaling needn’t be precious. It’s an act of reflection and a way to better understand who you were, who you are, and who you want to become. It’s a part of your journey, and you can do it. Just start now.


Weekly Quote: Asking the Right Questions with Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy


The Journaling Guide on Threads