About Me

Hi, I’m Joe.

Joe Moyer, 24 Letters Founder

I'm here to help you become a better version of yourself.

I’m sharing ideas, quotes, suggestions, comments, and links about journaling, intentional productivity, communication, and personal development.

I'm writing about how apps, books, music, streaming, the web, podcasts, and other creative media can help make us better and keep us learning and growing.

I’m also a nerd, so there will be some tech talk!

If I inspire you to start a journaling practice, read a new book, think differently about something weighing on your mind, implement a new focus mode, or try a new app out, I've succeeded. 

Where did the title come from?

The title is inspired by a quote that I found in the author Ryan Holiday's work.  I picked up a copy of The Daily Stoic several years ago, and have been learning more about Stoicism and reading his books, and subscribing to his emails since. I recently read The Lives of The Stoics, and found a quote from Athenodorus Cananites, a stoic philosopher who was the advisor and teacher to Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of Rome.  Athenodorus is quoted as telling the Emperor the following:

Whenever you feel yourself getting angry, Caesar, don’t say or do anything until you’ve repeated the 24 letters of the alphabet to yourself.

The advice that Athenodorus was giving to Caesar, who was then one of the most powerful people in the world, is specifically directed at managing anger and frustration. I think we can take it a step further, and consider how important it is to take time and give ourselves space to think in all aspects of our lives.  After further reflection, I was inspired to create this site to explore that and other broader ideas and concepts.

You can also check out the first post I made on this site, which has a few other details as to my motivations and goals.

Coaching and Consulting

Professionally, I’m a former small business owner who spent the bulk of the last 20 years as a general manager, operations leader, and team builder, primarily in contract and client relationship management roles in the service operations industry.

While my primary role right now is as a stay-at-home dad, I do on a limited basis offer my expertise to guide organizations on how they can develop and growing cohesive, productive, and energized teams. If you’d like to learn more, please email me


These are some of the tools that I use in the creation of 24 Letters and in my daily life.

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