Weekly Quote: Embracing Perspective for Personal Growth with The Practicing Stoic

This quote from The Practicing Stoic reminds us that taking a broader view offers perspective, something of value that we all need more of.

Good or bad, whatever is happening right now won’t last forever. In fact, It probably will be over sooner than you expect. Time is indifferent to our joy and sorrow. It just moves ahead. Our best bet is to understand how we fit into the bigger picture.

Take some time today to pull back the camera for a wider view. Write in your journal and reflect on all of this, then use what you learn to become a better human.

I send a monthly newsletter about the power of reading and journaling, the benefits of finding focus and productivity through intentionality, and how tech can help you grow in the ways you want. I also share a recommendation of something I'm enjoying or finding helpful. You can read past issues and subscribe here.


Weekly Quote: E.B. White on Wonder


Weekly Quote: Finding Clarity in Motion with Thomas Mann