Weekly Quote: Jan-Benedict Steenkamp on Leading People

Leadership is fundamentally about people, and people are messy creatures.  A quote from the book Time To Lead by Jan-Benedict Steenkamp

This week’s quote comes from Jan-Benedict Steenkamp’s 2020 book Time To Lead: Lessons for Today’s Leaders from Bold Decisions that Changed History. Steenkamp is a marketing professor, keynote speaker, and author. He is also the co-founder and executive director of AiMark, a global non-profit foundation focusing on sustainable brand growth.

Perspective can come from understanding that everyone has days, weeks, or even months where things aren’t going well. So the mess that Steenkamp writes about in this week’s quote isn’t necessarily the product of a malcontent’s wish to cause trouble; it can come from bad luck or a challenging situation.

People go through stuff, and it isn’t always their fault. It could be that a family member is sick and the medical bills are piling up, their child is struggling with depression, or they get injured working around the house. A leader should consider the situation as they try and help the person get through it. That person won’t always make it; some problems are too much or too overwhelming, and the job can’t and probably shouldn’t compete. If you can’t help them find the path through, allow them dignity and offer some grace as they find their way out.

Trying to help is noble. It’s not always easy and sometimes requires more from you than you might like. Remember that giving of yourself in a measured way to someone who is hurting and still wants to show up might be what keeps them going.

Regardless of what happens, you have a choice. You can be someone who helps, even if, in the end, things crash and burn, or you’re just another part of the mess. The choice seems like an easy choice to me.


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