Weekly Quote: Miles Davis on Time

This week’s quote comes from Jazz legend Miles Davis, regarded as one of the most important and influential musicians of the 20th century.

I found this quote a few weeks ago in the book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink. Pink delves into the science behind how timing can drastically alter the outcome and results of our actions based on something seemingly simple as the time of day. It’s an intriguing idea and one that Pink has researched thoroughly and shared compellingly.

In my life, the last two weeks have been challenged by sick kids. Parents and guardians will relate to this idea: when your kids get sick, everything melds together in a haze of sleepless nights, runny noses, and lots of popsicles and cold medicine. Time has had little definition in my household these last few weeks. It’s just survival.

Still, I’ve been thinking of this quote and trying to remember that time remains the most important thing. The other night, as one of my sick kids slowly drifted to sleep after a long day of coughing, there was time for me to breathe a little, time to look at them and consider who they might become and what they might need and want from me on the journey they’re on. There was time to remember that none of this is infinite, which served as a reminder to appreciate even these really tough moments because this is all there is, and it is all important.

I’m confident I’ve said, “I cannot wait for this to be over,” many times in the last week. Yet, during the few daily reflections I’ve managed in this period, I have included an appreciation for the extra time I get with my kids, despite the challenges. Even in sickness, time with family is a blessing.

Find time to spend with those most important to you because, in the end, there is little that truly matters more.

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