Weekly Quote: Publilius Syrus on the Strength of Kindness

"You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force." Quote by Publilius Syrus

This week’s quote is from the Latin writer and mime Publilus Syrus, who was active during the 1st century BC.

Being kind should be at the heart of motivating and connecting with those around you, whether you're a parent or a CEO. It's particularly impactful when you are called to do hard things or have tough conversations.

Practice kindness when teaching your children tough lessons or working through performance issues with team members. You can terminate someone from a job while still being kind. You can disagree and be kind. You can be kind to yourself during hard times, and as David Sparks says, treat yourself like you would your best friend.

Kindness matters, and it is not a weakness. On the contrary, it is a strength of character and a trait of someone confident and engaging. So practice kindness and hold your head high, especially during tough times or while doing difficult things. Whether it’s your children or someone on your team, people watch what you do and how you react; this is how you reveal yourself. Don’t let yourself or those who are counting on you down.

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