Weekly Quote: Taking a Strategic Pause with the Daily Creative

'To see thing more clearly, take a strategic pause and clear your mind." Quote from The Daily Creative by Todd Henry

This week’s quote comes from Todd Henry’s fantastic book Daily Creative, which along with The Daily Stoic, are books I try to read every morning as part of my startup routine.

This technique is best done using analog tools, so grab your favorite pen and some paper and settle in. If you use a connected device, put it into focus mode so you aren’t disturbed. This isn’t meditation; you can still sip your coffee and take a note here and there, but avoiding external distractions is important. You are doing this to let your mind wander, not answer emails.

Give the strategic pause a try. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do; you have things you’re working on, and taking this to think will be helpful.


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