Weekly Quote: The Daily Creative on Communicating Expectations

"The vast, vast majority of conflict in the workplace is the result of missed expectations." The Daily Creative by Todd Henry

At the end of 2022, my friend Jim Eagar, the writer behind the Original Mac Guy, shared a few quotes from the Daily Creative: Find Your Inspiration to Spark Creative Energy and Fight Burnout by Todd Henry. The ideas resonated with me, and I started the new year by adding this book to my daily reading habit.

Except for my current hiatus from work as a stay-at-home dad, I've spent the last couple of decades leading people. One of the most important lessons I have learned about developing team dynamics and reducing frustration and confusion is if expectations aren't shared with clarity and agreed upon by all involved, it's mostly down to luck whether the message will get through. I've yet to speak to a senior leader or read any books on leadership and personal development that follow that technique, and unsurprisingly don’t recommend it here either.

If you’re asking someone to do something, it is your responsibility to make sure there is a conversation and the expectations are clear, otherwise any conflict that may arise is on you.


Weekly Quote: Henry Miller on Finishing What You Start


The Daily Stoic Kindle Edition is on Sale