Welcome to 24 Letters

Hey everyone, and welcome to 24 Letters. I’m excited to be launching this new project as we enter 2022, and I appreciate you stopping by!

It’s been years since I had a blog, and I’m thrilled to be back at it! I will write about topics that I have a passion for, including technology, learning, team building, communication, productivity, and development. I’ll be looking at these subjects through the lens of apps, books, streaming, the web, podcasts, and other creative media that can help make us better and keep us learning and growing. I’ll also share what I’ve learned and developed in my career as well. Of course, there will be plenty of general nerdery too!

The Title, 24 Letters, comes from a quote attributed to Athenodorus Cananites, a stoic philosopher who advised and taught Caesar Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome. Athenodorus told Caesar the following:

Whenever you feel yourself get angry, Caesar, don’t say or do anything until you’ve repeated the 24 letters of the alphabet to yourself.

I found this quote in one of Ryan Holiday’s books or emails and see how much we all need to add time and space into our lives to think and reflect. I’ve found, particularly in the last half of 2021, that I was sorely lacking in this space. So, a goal in the new year is to practice this daily, and I’ll be writing more about how that goes in the coming months.

Right now, I’m a big fan of another quote attributed to Voltaire, which says, in part:

the best is the enemy of the good.

I’m taking that philosophy to get this site launched. Of course, I could tinker with the design, the font face, or any number of aspects forever, but I realize that I would never actually publish much of anything. So, with that in mind, here goes.

I welcome your feedback and thank you for taking this journey with me. Stay connected. I’m excited about the future!


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