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Weekly Quote: Learn from Being Wrong

“Being wrong is the only way I feel sure I’ve learned anything.” Daniel Kahneman

This week’s quote comes from renowned author, economist, psychologist, and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman.

I’ve found the long-term gains from learning something new through being wrong are significant and worth the potential embarrassment. The ability to change one’s opinion or grow in a new area is, to me at least, more important than perseverating about that time I advocated for an approach during a leadership meeting and ended up being wrong.

Try to get it right, but don’t be afraid to be wrong. Remember to give others some grace when they get it wrong too. In my experience, people respect those who can admit when they are wrong while being supportive of others on their journey too.

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quotes, leadership, readwise, ryan holiday Joe Moyer quotes, leadership, readwise, ryan holiday Joe Moyer

Handling Minor Adversity

"How you handle even minor adversity might seem like nothing, but, in fact, it reveals everything" - The Daily Stoic

Here’s a great reminder that how we handle the little things matter, whether at work with our teams or colleagues or at home with our kids, partners, or in-laws.

For leaders, the little things can be a big part of a given day, and minor adversity happens all the time. So remember this quote the next time it seems you can’t catch a break. How you react matters, and people are watching and listening to learn how you handle it and who you are.

Once they find out, they won’t forget.

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