Be Creative

David Sparks over at MacSparky posted about this Bloomberg article that suggests new entries into the podcast market are happening faster than the growth of the audience, which may cause issues for new shows as they try to reach new listeners. I received the link in today’s Morning Brew and read it in the quiet moments after I dropped my daughter off at daycare, and immediately thought it was a bit of a pessimistic take on the situation.

It’s helpful to hear that David heard similar feedback when he started Mac Power Users some years ago, and I’m glad he didn’t listen to it. His attitude that more art is always welcome is one of the reasons why I’m a fan and supporter of his work. As he put it:

Nobody looked at a Picasso painting and said, “That’s it, folks. We’ve reached Peak Art. There is no point doing any more painting.” The fact is that everything is evolving and every new voice leaves its mark.

I struggled with the idea that my contribution to the blogging world was worthwhile, and I am thankful for those who support new voices. One of the subjects I plan to write about is building time and intention around creativity. I hadn’t prioritized it for years, and now that I am again, I feel more complete. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer to launch this site and begin my journey, and I encourage you not to wait any longer either.


Pure Focus


Conquer Resistance