Conquer Resistance

"Resistance has no strength of its own.  Every ounce of juice it possesses comes from us.  We feed it with power by our fear of it.  Master that fear and we conquer Resistance.  _ Stephen Pressfield

I read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield about a month before I created this site. I had a lot of doubt that I’d be able to accomplish much of anything while we journeyed through life with a newborn baby who wasn’t big on sleeping. We also have a two-year-old and learning to keep everything in balance cast a shadow that I could do something that required regular creative attention.

That, my friends, was a textbook example of Resistance. As the quote suggests, fear is the fuel that feeds so much of our doubts and negative beliefs. We have the power to be our own worst enemies.

The same is true in all aspects of our lives. For example, we might tell ourselves that we shouldn’t take the risk of pushing for a new role at work. We don’t believe we’re good enough for that person who we like and have a connection. We don’t feel comfortable having that vital conversation with our children or spouse. That’s all based on fear, and it becomes a negative feedback loop that keeps you from moving ahead, from making connections, from growing.

Read The War of Art if you’re trying to do anything and feel that creeping sense of doubt about it. It’s a wonderfully written book that helped me realize that I could do this and still be a great father and husband. It helped me move past fear-based thinking, and I am better because of that.


Be Creative


David Bowie Knew the (Internet) Future in 1999