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Weekly Quote: Simon Sinek on Influencing Human Behavior

"There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it'". Quote from Simon Sinek's book Start with Why

This week's quote comes from the book Start With Why by author and public speaker Simon Sinek.

Manipulation is the antithesis of compelling motivation. It is the betrayal of someone's trust and the intentional misunderstanding of empathy. At its worst, it is lazy and mean-spirited. When it's happened to you, you remember. How did it make you feel?

Inspiration is built through meaningful connection. It takes time and transparency. You build it by showing up consistently, listening, and taking action based on what you hear. You grow it by delivering on your promises and apologizing when you make mistakes. It is offering grace while being tough and fair. It's giving everyone an extra break during that really tough week regardless of whether you are supposed to. It's knowing those around you and advocating for them in the meetings they aren't invited to.

As you read these words, you probably already have a picture in your mind of at least one person who has inspired you. See, you remember these people too, and for much better reasons. Now consider this idea: they became better because you allowed them to shine and help guide you.

The best part of inspiration is that it is omnidirectional, and people thrive within its proximity. If you authentically inspire those around you, get ready. You will earn a reputation, and people you don't know will start showing up at your office door because you are a rare gem, and they want to see you shine too. Welcome them, and know that you will be made better every time you do.

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